lunedì 23 maggio 2011

الإجتماعيات الاولى باك : تلخيص كل الدروس وفقكم الله

تلخيص دروس الإجتماعيات الاولى باك

أصدقائي هذه ملخصات1 باك علوم تجريبية المرجوا أن تساعدكم على النجاح إن شاء الله

نظام الحماية بالمغرب و الإستغلال الإستعماري:

ظروف فرض الحماية الفرنسية على المغرب:

عرف المغرب عدة تدخلات أجنبية على سيادته الوطنية من خلال مجموعة من الاتفاقيات كالاتفاق الفرنسي الإيطالي حول المغرب وليبيا سنة 1902 واحتلال بعض المناطق كوجدة والدار البيضاء سنة 1907م من طرف القوات الفرنسية وإرسال ألمانيا لبارجة حربية إلى أكادير سنة 1911 وأخير فرض الحماية الفرنسية والإسبانية على المغرب سنة 1912م

ومضمون الحماية :

التي نصت على إدخال الإصلاحات الإدارية والعدية والاقتصادية والمالية والعسكرية التي تراها الدولة الفرنسية مناسبة كما نصت على احترام حرمة جلالة السلطان التي تراها الدولة الفرنسية مناسبة كما نصت على احترام حرمة جلالة السلطان وشرفه والحالة الدينية وتأسيساتها بالمغرب إضافة إلى تنظيم المخزن

مراحل الاحتلال العسكري للمغرب:

تم احتلال المغرب من طرف فرنسا وإسبانيا جزءيا حيث لم يتم الاحتلال الكلي للمغرب إلا بعد سنة 1934م حيث بسطلت كل من فرنسا وإسبانيا سيطرتها على المغرب

ودور المقاومة في مواجهة الإحتلال

قاد المقاومة بالريف محمد بن عبد الكريم الخطابي (1883م-1962م) تمكن من هزم القوات الإسبانية في معركة أنوال استسلم سنة 1926م بعد تحالف الجيوش الفرنسية والإسبانية ضده ثم نفي إلى جزيرة لارينيوم وبعد ذلك لجأ إلى مصر قبل أن يتوفى بها

مظاهر الاستغلال الاستعماري وانعكاساته على المغرب

وضع تنظيم إداري من أجل تسيير تحكم السلطات الإستعمارة و تمكنها من الإستغلال المالي و البنكي و الفلاحي و الصناعي و التجاري للمغرب مما أدى إلى تضرر الإقتصاد المغربي خاصة الحرف التقليدية و الفلاحة المغربية

اسال لله الإيفاده لي و لك

مع تحيات

ابو رسلان

اسال الله لكم بالنجاح و التوفيق

و يحي العلم في نور الحريه

الجزء الثاني

أوروبا نهاية الحرب العالمية 1 و أزمة 1929

مراحل الحرب :

1 : (1917-1914) الحرب الخاطفة تميزت بانتصار الألمان وقيام الثورة العربية الكبرى

2 : (1918-1917) تميزت بانتصار الحلفاء بعد دخول الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للحرب و انسحاب روسيا

نتائج الحرب :

بشريا : عدد كبير من القتلى و المصابين

إقتصاديا : تخريب المصانع و الأراضي ، انهيار الإنتاج و الإقتصاد ، ظهور مجاعات : اللجوء للإقتراض

سياسيا : تم التوقيع على عدة معاهدات ( فرساي سانجرمان نوبي ) + احداث تغييرات في خريطة أوربا ( ظهور الإتحاد السوفياتي بدل الإمبراطورية الروسية ) + انشاء عصبة الأمم

أهم التطورات بأوروبا بعد الحرب العالمية 1

بالنسبة لروسيا : تزعم لينين الثورة البلشفية ( تورة أكتوبر ) + دعوته إلى إحلال السلم ومنع امتلاك الملكيات العقارية + دعا إلى المساواة وسيادة شعوب روسيا .

بالنسبة لفرنسا : ارتفاع أسعار المواد الغدائية والمواد المصنعة + التضخم بسبب اختلال التوازن بين كمية الإنتاج والكتلة النقدية

بالنسبة لإيطاليا : الصناعة الإيطالية عاجزة عن سد الحاجيات + الاستيراد من الخارج مما أدى إلى ارتفاع العجز التجاري + إيقامات نظام ديكتاتوري

بالنسبة لألمانيا : فرض الحلفاء على ألمانيا إقامة حكومة في مار(1919) + ظهور تيارات متطرفة بسبب التدهور الإقتصادي و الإجتماعي

آثار أزمة 1929

أدت الأزمة الاقتصادية لسنة 1929 والتي ضربت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تم انتشرت إلى جميع الدول الرأسمالية إلى ارتفاع عدد العاطلين بأوربا + حدوث انهيارات في العملة و ركود الإنتاج و ظهور اضطرابات اجتماعية و سياسية مما إضطر إلى القيام بعدة إضرابات .

نضال المغرب من أجل تحقيق الإستقلال و استكمال الوحدة الترابية

ظهور الحركة الوطنية :

ظهرت سنة 1930 إثر ظهور الظهير البربري الإستعماري و اعتبر ذلك إنتقالا من المقاومة المسلحة إلى الحركة الوطنية و تقدمت بمطالب

الإصلاحات الإدارية : احترام النظام الإداري للمعاهدات الدولية وعدم المس بالحدود المغربية

اجتماعية : المطالبة بإنشاء المستشفيات والسماح بإقامة مدارس

اقتصادية : طالبت كتلة العمل بالمساواة في الضرائب بين المعمرين والمغاربة وتوقيف الاحتلال الرسمي ومنح الدول حق استغلال المناجم

مراحل تطور الحركة الوطنية :

ما بين 1930 و 1939 : ظهور كتلة العمل الوطني و تقدمها بمطالب اصلاحية + صدور صحف بالعربية و الفرنية و الإسبانية + ظهور أحزاب سياسية بالمناطق الخاضعة لفرنسا و اسبانيا

ما بين 1939 و 1945 : عقد جلالة السلطان سيدي محمد بن يوسف لقاء آنفا ( يناير 1943م) مع رئيس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية روزفلت لتعريفه بالقضية المغربية والتدخل من أجل منح المغرب حقوقه الكاملة + قام حزبالاستقلال بتقديم عريضة 11 يناير 1944م يطالب من خلالها بالاستقلال الكامل للمغرب وبدون شرط تحت ظل صاحب الجلالة سيدي محمد بن يوسف .

ما بين 1946 و 1956 : كان لتعاون السلطان مع الحركة الوطنية و خطابه في طنجة دور في اقدام السلطات على نفيه كما أدى اغتيال النقابي التونسي فرحان حشاد إلى مظاهرات عمت التراب المغربي ضد هذه الجريمة البشعاءوكانت أهم هذه الاحتجاجات بالدار البيضاء حيث أدت إلى أعمال عنف و بعدها قامت الحركة الوطنية بعدة عمليات فدائية انتهت بعودة جلالة السلطان سيدي محمد بن يوسف من منفاه في 16 نونبر 1956م والإعلان الرسمي على استقلال

مراحل استكمال وحدة المغرب الترابية

سيدي ايفني 69 ، الساقيى الحمراء 75 ، وادي الدهب 79 ، سبتة و مليلة باقية تحت وطأة الإستعمار + استرجعت الأقاليم الصحراوية بعد المسيرة الخضراء 1975

الحرب العالمية التانية الأسباب و النتائج :

الأسباب غير المباشرة :

انسحاب المانيا و ايطاليا و اليابان من عصبة الأمم + قيامهما يتوسعات : ألمانيا على حساب النمسا و إيطاليا على حساب إثيوبيا و إيطاليا على حساب منشزريا و الأراضي الصينية

+ الأزمة الإقتصادية 1929+ عجز عصبة الأمم عن حفض السلم العالمي

الأسباب المباشرة : تسلح ألمانيا و قيامها بالتوسعات باستعادة رينانيا ودخول جيوش الألمان إلى الأقاليم الغربية + رغبة هتلر في احتلال المزيد أراضي أوربا الشرقية لضمان الموارد الغدائية و إجتياحه لبولونيا و بدلك أعلنت فرنسا و انجلترا و السفياتيين الحرب على الألمان .

مراحل الحرب العاليمة 2 :

المرحلة 1 : عرفت إنتصارات دول المحور

احتلال ألمانيا المزيد من الأراضي داخل أوربا الشرقية كاحتلال ¾ فرنسا والنرويج + قصف الألمان لـ لندن سنة 1940م و زحفها نحو الإتحاد السوفياتي + قصف اليابان للقاعدة الأمريكية بالمحيط الهادي

المرحلة 2 : انتصارات الحلفاء

دخول أمريكا الحرب إلى جانب الحلفاء و اتساع ساحة الحرب لتشمل عدة قارات كإفريقيا أوربا وآسيا + قامت قوات التحالف بإنزال جيوشها بسواحل الدار البيضاء وهران والجزائر واتجاهها نحو تونس + تمكن الأسطول الأمريكي في يونيو سنة 1942 من إغراق لأربع من أكبر حاملات الطائرات اليابانية في بحر المرجان + استعادة أمريكا للفلبين + إلقاء القنبلة الذرية على هيروشيما و ناكازاكي و استسلام اليابان

نتائج الحرب العالمية الثانية :

بشريا : عدد كبير من القتلى و المعطوبين

اقتصاديا : خراب كبير في البنيات التحتية وارتفاع تكاليف الحرب على الشعوب المتحاربة وانخفض الإنتاج الوطني لهذه الدول. + تدهور الفلاحة و الصناعة و ركود التجارة

سياسيا : عقد مؤتمرات و فرض معاهدات السلام + رسم خريطة سياسة جديدة + تأسيس هيئة الأمم المتحدة + قوتين عالميتين

و لا يمكن أن أنسى كذلك ملخصات الجغرافية لــ 1 باك علوم تجريبية

المجو أن تدعوا لي و لو بالنجاح إن شاء الله عز و جل

لن أطيل عنكم أكثر تفضلوا :

الصيــــــــــــــــــــن :

مظاهر القوة الصينية : نهج توجهات جديدة في الاقتصاد + إحداث إصلاحات اقتصادية + فسح المجال أمام الاستثمارات الخاصة + احتلال مكانة اقتصادية على مستوى الناتج الوطني و مداخيل الصادرات و الاستثمارات الخارجية بها

أسس و مقومات الاقتصاد الصيني :

طبيعية : تضاريس ضخمة و شاسعة +مناخ متنوع + التوفر على ثروات معدنية و طاقية هامة

بشرية : عدد هائل من السكان تزايدهم أصبح معتدل بعد نهج سياسة تحديد النسل يتركز معظمهم في الشرق

تنظيميا : نهج الاتجاه الاشتراكي و قد مرت على مرحلتين :

البناء الاشتراكي ( ماوتسي تونغ)، الانفتاح و الإصلاح ( اينغ كسياوبيتغ )

خصائص الإقتصاد الصيني :

فلاحيا : انتاج في تطور + مكانة هامة زراعيا و حيوانيا + ترابط بين المجالات الطبيعية و الإنتاج

صناعيا : صناعات متنوعة تحتل مراتب متقدمة عالميا يتركز معظمها شرقا + تقدم رتبتها العالمية في بعض المنتجات

تجاريا : ميزان تجاري إيجابي معظم الصادرات مواد مصنعة + تتعامل مع معظم القوى العالمية

مشاكل الإقتصاد الصيني :

خضوعه لتقلبات خارجية + تأخر التنمية + تفاوت مستوى المعيشة بالأرياف و الحواضر مما يؤدي للهجرة + تفاوت إقليمي

الإتحاد الأوروبي:

مراحل تكوينه : تأسس 1992 بتوقيع معاهدة ماستريخت و يهدف إلى إحداث تقدم إقـ و إجـ عن طريق:

تقليص البطالة + تحقيق التنمية المستدامة + تأسيس وحدة اقتصادية

و يثمثل نجاحه في انضمام معظم الدول الأوروبية إليه : 6 سنة 1957 و 25 سنة 2004

مقومات اندماجه : أوضاع تاريخية مشتركة : حربيين عالميتين + التعرض لأزمات اقتصادية + الانتماء المشترك للقارة + التوفر على إمكانيات متكاملة بين الشمال و الجنوب و الشرق و الغرب + اعتماد أنظمة سياسية ذات نهج ديمقراطي و أنظمة اقتصادية ليبرالية +مجموعة بشرية متشابهة و متقاربة من حيث المعطيات + وجود مؤسسات منظمة للعلاقات بين الدول

مظاهر اندماج بلدانه :

إقتصاديا : وجود تنظيم مجالي مناسب + عملة موحدة + احتلال مكانه هامة تجاريا على المستوى العالمي + صادرات ذات قيمة مرتفعة + تبادل تجاري داخلي نشيط

إجتماعيا : تنقل حر و نشيط + إزالة الحواجز + استفادة السباب من برامج تكوينية و دراسية + ارتفاع المثقفين و المكونين + بدل الجهود من أجل التطور العلمي و العدالة و المساواة

ا لاختيارات الكبرى لسياسة إعداد التراب الوطني

مفهوم إعداد التراب الوطني : سياسة تهدف إلى توزيع أفضل للسكان و الأنشطة الاقتصادية فوق مجال معين للتخفيف من التباين الإقليمي

التحديات الكبرى للمجال الجغرافي المغربي :

ديموغرافيا : التزايد السريع+ارتفاع البطالة+التهميش الاجتماعي+التباين السوسيومجالي ==> تزايد الفقر

اقتصاديا : ضعف النمو + ضعف الإنتاجية و المردودية+ اكراهات العولمة و الدموق العالمية ==> صعوبة التطور الاقتصادي

بيئيا : تراجع المخزون المائي+الضغط على الموارد الطبيعية+التلوث+التقلبات المناخية

المبادئ الأساسية الموجهة لهده السياسة :

تدعيم الوحدة الترابية+التنمية الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية+المحافظة على البيئة + إشراك السكان في التسيير+ إنعاش العالم القروي

الاختيارات الكبرى :

تنمية العالم القروي + تأهيل الاقتصاد الوطني+ تدبير الموارد الطبيعية و المحافظة على الثروات +حل إشكال العقار+ تأهيل الموارد البشرية


المؤهلات الطبيعية :

تضاريس متنوعة + مساحات شاسعة + سهول رحبة + تنوع مناخي ==> ارتفاع الإنتاج و تنوعه

المؤهلات البشرية :

عدد سكان مرتفع + الولادات أكثر من الوفايات + مجتمع مثقف دخل فردي مرتفع + ارتفاع نسبة القادرين على العمل + تنوع الأجناس

المؤهلات التنظيمية : نظام ليبرالي+وجود مؤسسات و جامعات كبرى+وجود تنافس اقتصادي.

مظاهر قوة أمريكا :

فلاحيا : إنتاج فلاحي مرتفع + رتب عالمية متقدمة على المستوى الزراعي+الماشية + مجالات فلاحية واسعة + تقنيات و وسائل حديثة + اندماج الفلاحة مع القطاعات الأخرى

صناعيا : إمكانيات معدنية + مصادر طاقة هامة تحتل رتب أولى عالميا +الاهتمام بالبحث العلمي و التكنولوجي + الاستفادة من المساهمة في الحربين + احتلال الصدارة في الصناعات الميكانيكية ، الكيماوية الإلكترونية + مجمعات صناعية كبرى

تجاريا : بنية تجارية متوازنة +مكانه هامة في الصادرات و الواردات بالمقارنة مع دول أخرى + التعامل مع معظم القوى العالمية

هدا جعل أمريكا :

أول دولة مستثمرة بالعالم + قطب مالي كبير + التوفر على أكبر عدد من الشركات و المؤسسات المتعددة الجنسيات

أزمة المدينة و الريف و أشكال التدخل

انعكاسات ظاهرة التمدين على المدينة :

مجاليا : التركيز الساحلي للمدن +التفاوتات المجالية

بيئيا: الثلوث+تراجع المس الخضراء+الضغط على المياه

اجتماعيا: ارتفاع البطالة+الفقر+مشاكل السكن+نقص التجهيزات و الخدمات

مظاهر أزمة المدينة المغربية :

بيئيا: النفايات + التلوث الهوائي+تراجع المساحات الخضراء+تدهور المدن العتيقة

اجتماعيا: البطالة+الفقر+أزمة السكن+دور الصفيح+الإقصاء الإجــ

اقتصاديا: ضعف المؤسسات الإقــ الكبرى+ إنتشار الأنشطة غير المهيكلة+ارتفاع سعر العقار +محدودية الدخل الفردي

التجهيزات:نقص التجهيزات التحتية و الخدمات + أزمة النقل + تشبع الشبكة الحضرية الطرقية

أشكال التدخل لمعالجة أزمة المدينة :

اقتصاديا : تشجيع الأنشطة الاقتصادية + الاستثمارات + المقاولات +المعارض + التعاونيات

اجتماعيا : المبادرة الوطنية للتنمية البشرية + محاربة الفقر + السكن الاجتماعي + مدن بلا صفيح

التجهيزات العمومية : فتح الأوراش العمومية لإعادة تأهيل المدن + التدبير المفوض في توزيع الخدمات العمومية + تشجيع القطاع الخاص في ميدان النقل الحضري .

+ معالجة المشاكل السابقة

مظاهر أزمة الارياف المغربية :

اجتماعيا : انتشار الأمية ، ضعف نسبة التمدرس ضعف نسبة التأطير الطبي + الفقر + البطالة

اقتصاديا : ضعف مردودية الفلاحة + سيادة الزراعات البورية و المعاشية + ضعف الأنشطة الاقتصادية الأخرى المرتبطة بالريف تدني الدخل الفردي لسكان الأرياف

التجهيزات العمومية : ضعف شبكة الماء و الكهرباء هشاشة السكن القروي + ضعف شبكة المواصلات القروية عزلة الأرياف

أشكال التدخل لمعالجة مشكل الأرياف المغربية :

برامج التنمية الاقتصادية : برنامج التنمية المندمجة للمجال الريفي + برنامج الاستثمار الفلاحي بالمناطق البورية البرنامج الوطني لمكافحة التصحر و آثار الجفاف .

- برنامج التنمية الاجتماعية : برنامج الأولويات الاجتماعية + البرنامج الاجتماعي للقرب + المبادرة الوطنية للتنمية البشرية + برنامج التنمية البشرية المستديمة ومكافحة الفقر .

- برامج التجهيزات و الخدمات العمومية : برنامج تزويد العالم القروي بالماء الشروب برنامج الكهربة في العالم القروي البرنامج الوطني للطرق القروية.

دور التهيئة الريفية و إعداد التراب الوطني في معالجة أزمة الريف:

*تهدف التهيئة الريفية الى تحقيق توزيع أفضل للتجهيزات اللازمة لإشباع الحاجات الأولية للسكان + تحديد الاختيارات اللازمة للمراكز القروية>>الحد من الفوارق بين الجهات من جهة وبين المدن و الأرياف من جهة ثانية >>التخفيف من الهجرة القروية

* تهدف سياسة إعداد التراب الوطني في المجال الريفي الى توفير الشغل وموارد العيش /توفير المحيط المحفز للاستثمار >>>> تحسين مستوى عيش الفلاح

مشكل الماء و ظاهرة التصحر

مظاهر الخصاص المائي بالعالم العربي :

يعرف العالم العربي ضعفا على مستوى الموارد المائية السطحية و الباطنية ، وتفاوتا في توزيعها ، كما يقل معدل حصة الفرد من الماء حسب الموارد المائية المتوفرة وعدد السكان .

الأبعاد الديمغرافية و الاقتصادية و الاستراتيجية لمشكل الماء في العالم العربي:

* تزايد وثيرة نمو السكان بشكل سريع تدني حصة الفرد

* تزايد الطلب على الماء من طرف القطاعات الأخرى خصوصا الفلاحة

* الصراع في المشرق العربي كجزء من العالم العربي يزيد من حدة أزمة مشكل الماء

مظاهر التصحر بالعالم العربي :

نضوب المياه الناتجة عن جفاف العيون و الأنهار و الآبار

الترمل : زحف الكثبان الرملية على الأراضي الزراعية

تدهور الغطاء النباتي : ناتج عن الرعي المفرط +قلة الأمطار + ارتفاع درجة الحرارة .

تراجع خصوبة التربة : ناتج عن الاستغلال المفرط للتربة + فقدانها للعناصر المعدنية و العضوية

تملح التربة : ارتفاع نسبة الملوحة بها

الجهود و التدابير المبذولة لمواجهة ظاهرة التصحر العربي

التدابير التقنية : التشجير + تثبيت الرمال المتحركة + حماية التربة من التعرية

التدابير الاقتصادية : ترشيد استغلال المراعي و الأراضي الزراعية + تنمية اقتصاد محلي في البيئة الجافة + وضع استراتيجية وطنية لمحاربة التصحر .

التدابير الاجتماعية : الاهتمام بالتعليم بالمناطق الجافة +محاربة الفقر+ توعية السكان بخطورة التصحر + مكافحة الأمية و الجهل .

تدابير أخرى : توحيد جهود الدول العربية لمحاربة التصحر+ إنشاء مركز عربي لدراسة المناطق الجافة و الأراضي القاحلة + تبني سياسة موحدة لمحاربة ظاهرة التصحر .

المجال المغربي : الموارد الطبيعي

وضعية الموارد الطبيعية و توزيعها :

الموارد المائية : ثروة مهمة ( سطحية ، جوفية ) تخضع لتأثيرات : تقلص المناخ+التبخر الشديد+سوء توزيع و انتظام التساقطات+الاستغلال المفرط و تزايد الطلب لذا يجب : حسن تدبير الموارد المائية من أجب تجنب نضوبها + حمايتها من التلوث

التربة : عموما التربة بالمغرب هشة و سريعة التدهور و السبب تأثير الرياح و الأمطار العنيفة

الغابة : تتميز البنية المغربية بتنوع الغطاء النباتي و تشكل مورد اقتصادي و اجتماعي هام رغم التحديات : الاستهلاك المفرط لخشب الأشجار+الرعي الجائر+الحرائق...

الموارد البحرية : نتوفر على مجال بحري واسع و غني بالأحياء البحرية إلا أنه يعاني من الاستنزاف بسبب تزايد الأساطيل البحرية + الضغط على المصايد + عدم احترام فترات الراحة البيولوجية + استعمال تقنيات صيد محرمة دوليا

الموارد المعدنية : الفوسفاط الذي يلعب دور مهم في الاقتصاد الوطني + معادن متنوعة خام

مصادر الطاقة : البترول و الغاز: قليلة جدا و إنتاجها جد متواضع + احتياطات كبيرة من الصخور النفطية لا تستغل لارتفاع تكلفة الإنتاج

+الطاقة الكهربائية المائية و الحرارية التي تعرف تنمو هام و تساهم في التنمية الاقتصادية .

وضعية الموارد البشرية بالمغرب و مستوى تنميتها

شهد المغرب تزايد ديموغرافي مرتفع مما أدى إلى ارتفاع نسبة السكان النشيطين الشيء الذي أدى إلى تفاقم مشاكل اجتماعية و اقتصادية كارتفاع نسبة البطالة + نسبة الأمية + أحياء الصفيح + تنامي الفقر

عادل العيد

بحر العلوم و المتعه المفيده

: اكبر مجموعة تجدها هنا writting : إهداء الى كل الطلبه

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

على بركة الله

commemorating the International Day of the Earth and the Environment allocated secondary second half of the morning for the day Saturday, 17/04/2010 station mission to embrace a range of environmental activities contributed to the activation of pupils and students in the organization and were framed from their teachers and the various components of Directors, where he was during remind everyone the importance of maintaining the planet and thus creating a clean environment to ensure a healthy life for all. In order to motivate everyone to engage in a project to create a healthy atmosphere has opened a multi-institution works with a group of pupils and students clean the classrooms The second group has planted some trees and flowers. While costing the third set and frame the professors left the national anthem on one wall organization, as well as do some murals and the municipal workers pruned some trees, which increased from an aesthetic enterprise in an atmosphere characterized by a spirit of citizenship and high all participated in the success of this day of the week allocated to the land and the environment

Distance Learning

التعليم عن بعد

Intended to distance learning to use communication technology and computer technology in the education process. This is called the process also terms such as

Internet-Based Learning , Distributed Learning ,Computer-Mediated Communication . And distance education is the transfer of science centers, with whom in the capitals of States to cities away where there are no means and modes of knowledge vast and specialized. And the connection between the student recipient and lecturer interactive interactive and allows the distance education system the ability to receive lectures from a source far from the place of the lecture At the same the same speed implementation time and real time application of this system can be broadcast live and taped lectures with high efficiency, where the listener or student from attending a lecture inside or outside the borders of Marocco.

Reasons for making the day a global environmentاسباب جعل يوم عالمي Experiencing the globe, from high rates of contamination in all parts of the world, trying to organizations and associations to protect the alert to this danger and work to reduce the aggravation of this phenomenon, which threatens the lives of so many human beings and their vulnerability to extinction, especially some species of animals, plants and marine resources in addition to the dangers that threaten the health man

The festival environment

The festival was conceived by lovers of nature to give all the pleasure to discover or rediscover its natural resources, to renew ties strong with the environment. For five days, professional and volunteer networks of Conservation discover (free) areas known or unknown.

Hundreds of walks in familiar places like corners normally inaccessible, are organized by those who know every detail.

The public is invited to discover species emblematic or unrecognized, some familiar territory to survey led by naturalist guides, to better understand the work and passion for natural area managers, foresters, actors of protection nature which ensure the maintenance of biodiversity.

For this fourth edition, the organizers would like to see participate as individuals. They are likely to maintain a piece of nature in their property or their simple garden. Creating conviviality and exchange about the nature in private places is now an objective of the Festival of Nature 2010.

Naturalists are near you, and you do not know ... They always show you what lies behind the door ...

This festival of five days is an opportunity to meet them!

The Festival of Nature is also a great time of emergency awareness and issues of protection of biodiversity. It raises questions about man's place in nature and its responsibility in the conservation of biodiversity.

brain drain

Brain drain is the departure of educated or talented persons for better pay or jobs elsewhere. The term originated about 1960, when many British scientists and intellectuals immigrated to the United States for a better working climate.

Economically speaking, brain drain means an emigration of trained and talented individuals ("human capital") to other nations because of conflicts and lack of opportunity. It parallels the term "capital flight" which refers to financial capital that is no longer invested in the country where its owner lived and earned it.

When a highly qualified professional chooses to leave his own country for another, he does so for one or several legitimate political or economic reasons: peace and security for himself and his family, job satisfaction, better pay and conditions, a higher standard of living, etc. Throughout history, countries and centres of academic excellence which offer these attractions have received the largest numbers of professional migrants and these have, in turn, made substantial contributions, not only to the economic growth of their host countries, but also to the scientific and technological advancement of humanity.The loss of such bog number of skilled immigrants results in huge losses that are very difficult to compensate for even in long years to come. The brain drain is actually affecting the economies and social structures of a country, especially the emerging countries that have to do everything they can to stop this phenomenon.

Finally, I do believe that it is the responsibility of both governments and individuals to try harder to stop the flow of highly skilled people from their own countries resulting in a brain drain that affects each and every society.

Advances in technology

Technology is a broad concept that deals with a people’s usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects man’s ability to control and adapt to its environment. In human society, technology is a consequence of science and engineering. In the last two centuries, humanity has witnessed great technological developments that are not to be paralleled with any other past times in history. These technological advances range from the invention of the light bulb to the latest wireless computers and internet devices. But what are the implications of these technological advances on our societies.

To begin with, technological advances have helped people use tools and materials that made life easier for them. To give one example, the use of the phone and the internet has made it extremely possible to communicate with any person on any other part of the world. So, the limitations in communication that we had in the past are all over by now. Academically speaking, students no longer rely today entirely on books to look for the information they need to do a research. Rather they are invited now to search the internet and get ready-made information that saves both time and effort. Spatially speaking, people managed to set their foot on the moon and discover things that were in the past only myths for many of us.

However technological advances have had also their negative sides. To illustrate to that, internet use has made the gap even greater between those who have access to it and those who don’t. Let us remember that there are those who can’t have yet access even to electricity to use all those technological advances which seem to be made mainly for those who have the means to buy it. The advances in telecommunication have also made people more selfish in the sense that everyone now has his/her mobile phone; and we no longer have family conversations or calls for the whole family. Every one holds private conversations on the phone that other can’t know about. For all these reasons, I believe that one has to look at the other side of the coin and believe that technological development is double-edged.

To conclude, and as far as I am concerned, technological advances are a major step in the development of nations and societies and it is imperative to make good use of those developments and make it accessible to all individuals in the world.

The advantages and disadvantages of technology

In fact, technology has changed the way we live and communicate, but at the same time it is the reason behind many problems and phenomena in our daily life.

Mankind is grateful for technology’s benefits in different domains. For example, with internet people can get information easily, sending résumés to companies and booking rooms in hotels. In regard to transport, people can travel wherever they love in a very short time. In addition, technology has helped doctors to find cures to some chronic diseases.

Despite its advantages, people’s health is getting worse and worse because of the fumes of factories and the smoke of cars and buses. The most dangerous inventions are rockets and bombs which kill innocent people and destroy everything. Moreover, workers are replaced by machines in companies which increases the number of joblessness in many countries.

It all comes down to saying that people must be aware of the use of technology, since this latter aims at improving people’s life not killing creatures.

Women’s position

Nowadays, we all notice that women’s position has greatly changed in society. Their efforts have been crowned by getting an equal position to men in all domains.

Women could not go to school and stayed with their parents at homes. Thus they were regarded illiterate and ignorant as well. Their jobs were looking after their husbands, cooking daily meals and washing dishes as machines. They were not allowed to vote and were under the authority of men. When it comes to clothes, women used to wear jallaba and veil, and could not go anywhere without the permission of their husbands and parents.

Everything has now changed, women have become aware of the significance of education, and so they go to school and get good marks. More than that, they have been appointed teachers and directresses in great schools. Because of their strong struggles, women can share with men some political posts like working in courts as judges or lawyers. In addition to that, women wear whatever they love and go to cafés as men

All in all, the marginalization of women in the past led them to suffer a lot and live a difficult life. However, women struggled to show their existence in society and have finally got their rights as men

personal values

Personal values are one of the most important things in our life. This Life as we know it now wouldn’t be possible without personal values that regulate it. Indeed, the more values a person has the more respect and admiration she/he gets. For instance, people who value hard-work often end up being the most successful. I have never known a person who works hard and never succeeds in life. Likewise, honesty is another value that is key to success in life. Honest people earn the trust and reliability of others. They are valued for their honesty and truthfulness. Undoubtedly, there is nothing more rewarding than knowing people with such values as honesty and hard-work. With these people one can establish fruitful relationships that are to the advantage of everyone. True to say, honesty and hard-work are two cornerstones for a good and successful life

Letter of complaint

رسالة تشكي حول شيء اشتريته ووجدت به خلل

Rotterdam, Hauges Avenue

12 streets Harlem



Mr Fred, manager of youth school

Magazine, industry Road Amsterdam

Dear sir or Madam,

I am a keen reader of the local school magazine « spotlight » and

I have been impressed by a number of articles I read there. Today I take the chance to write you an article about a worrying school phenomenon; namely, smoking.

To start with and as far as I am concerned there are predisposing factors that lead some students to take up smoking. I mean here that certain conditions in their lives make it more likely for these students to smoke. Socially, students who take up smoking usually come from poor families or working ones that do not have the time to supervise their children after school. Besides that, students are heavily influenced by the others who smoke. As they see their peers smoking, they can’t help giving it a try. Undoubtedly, the family structures and backgrounds and the social surrounding play a determining role in this fact.

Academically, students who do poorly in school are known to be taking up smoking more than any others. The school frustrations and the feeling of an inability to keep up with the rest of the class push some students to do irresponsible deeds.

It goes without saying that smoking has a negative impact on every addict. Among young people, the short-term health effects of smoking include damage to the respiratory system, addiction to nicotine, and the associated risk of other drug use. Long-term health consequences of youth smoking are reinforced by the fact that most young people who smoke regularly continue to smoke throughout adulthood. Therefore, they become vulnerable to many illnesses, such as cancer.

To conclude, smoking is a major youth problem that needs the help and the contribution of everyone of us to try to limit this bad habit. Indeed, it is imperative that each and every one of us take a step towards informing and sensitizing our youth of the dangers of smoking. By way of this same contribution I have been glad to write you these lines to state my stand in your promising magazine

Yours Anuarmadridista.

Life in the countryside

Many people believe that life in the countryside is mush better than in the city ,well they are wrong , living in the countryside is really difficult ,going out at night , for instance , is useless since there is nowhere to go to enjoy oneself, another thing is that when a person falls sick it is difficult to find an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital .another misconception is about pollution , the countryside is not wholly clean , the air we breathe is not as fresh as people think ,many houses are not connected to the main sewage ,and do you know that many factories exist in many villages


Poverty is becoming a serious problems for many countries , it affects the whole society and delays the development of the country .

Poor families very often have health problems , because they have lot of children , parents are unable to provide medicine for them ,also they cant send them to school since schooling is expensive , they send them instead to work and bring them money , so when members of society are unhealthy or illiterate this affect the development of the country .

Poverty is a serious problem, an enemy that government should fight by trying to make all members of society benefit from the resources of their country and work for its development .

Parents-children relationship

Parents-children relationship differ from one family to another . While some parents complain that their children don't listen to them anymore , children on the other hand complain that their parents don't understand them any longer .

My relationship with my parents is a good one , I respect them and understand them, the allow me to choose my friends my cloths to travel alone and to invite friends home, however , they are very strict when it comes to my homework or staying late out late at night .

To have a good parents-relationship is very easy thing if both parents and children make efforts to create such a kind of relation ship .


? Television has became part of our every day life .what are its advantages and disadvantages

On the one hand, TV has became the most influential means of the mass media because it has both sound and picture .it's also the most popular source of information education and international , in brief TV brings the whole word to usOne the other hand TV develops passive and lazy viewers . it also prevents communication between the members of the family besides students don't their homwork and may became aggressive when they watch films of violence .


WAR is one of the wost crime that pople have ever made to the humanity . that's why we should know why some ediot poeple can't stand leaving in peace becuase

the best thing that can draw the smile on every one's face is the peace. but in reality we have a deferent image to the world, we see that no one want to respect the right of other or want's to enslave poeple or take there weals, and they make some silly reasons to get what they want exactly like what happend to

our brothers in iraq .

war also creat a very bad destarction and ruin in everywhere .

and from the main point we can say that poepl in stean of burning world they have to to learn how to leave in peace and creat the happiness instead of hate and killing .

Working children

Child labour is one of the problems that many

countries face, there are various causes that drive children to work some of them drop out of school in order to help their poor or sick parents others have to work because they are orphans. In addiction some parents are ignorant they think education is a waste of time .

Working children face a tough life; in factories and mines they work in bad conditions no fresh air, long hours they may be injured by machines they are also deprived of education and childhood

Humain rights

The concept of human rights has existed under several names in European thought for many centuries, at least since the time of King John of England . After the king violated a number of ancient laws and customs by which England had been governed, his subjects forced him to sign the Magna Carta, or Great Charter, which enumerates a number of what later came to be thought of as human rights. Among them were the right of the church to be free from governmental interference, the rights of all free citizens to own and inherit property and be free from excessive taxes. It established the right of widows who owned property to choose not to remarry, and established principles of due process and equality before the law. It also contained provisions forbidding bribery and official misconduct .

The political and religious traditions in other parts of the world also proclaimed what have come to be called human rights, calling on rulers to rule justly and compassionately, and delineating limits on their power over the lives, property, and activities of their citizens .

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe several philosophers proposed the concept of "natural rights," rights belonging to a person by nature and because he was a human being, not by virtue of his citizenship in a particular country or membership in a particular religious or ethnic group. This concept was vigorously debated and rejected by some philosophers as baseless. Others saw it as a formulation of the underlying principle on which all ideas of citizens' rights and political and religious liberty were based .

In the late 1700s two revolutions occurred which drew heavily on this concept. In 1776 most of the British colonies in North America proclaimed their independence from the British Empire in a document which still stirs feelings, and debate, the U.S. Declaration of Independence


When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere - even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV, and in many magazines .

Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 14 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up !

natural disaster

A is the consequence of when a potential natural hazard becomes a physical event (e.g. volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide) and this interacts with human activities. Human vulnerability, caused by the lack of planning, lack of appropriate emergency management or the event being unexpected, leads to financial, structural, and human losses. The resulting loss depends on the capacity of the population to support or resist the disaster , their resilience.[1] This understanding is concentrated in the formulation : " disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability".[2] A natural hazard will hence never result in a natural disaster in areas without vulnerability, e.g . strong earthquakes in uninhabited areas. The term natural has consequently been disputed because the events simply are not hazards or disasters without human involvement


Globalization refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political, and ecological spheres. Globalization is an umbrella term and is perhaps best understood as a unitary process inclusive of many sub-processes (such as enhanced economic interdependence, increased cultural influence, rapid advances of information technology, and novel governance and geopolitical challenges ) that are increasingly binding people and the biosphere more tightly into one global system .

There are several definitions and all usually mention the increasing connectivity of economies and ways of life across the world. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that globalization is the "process by which the experience of everyday life ... is becoming standardized around the world ." While some scholars and observers of globalization stress convergence of patterns of production and consumption and a resulting homogenization of culture, others stress that globalization has the potential to take many diverse forms .


One the hand advertising makes consumers aware, of the new products on the market and helps them spend their money wisely it also as creates many jobs .

On the other hand advertising makes people feel frustrated, if they can't afford the products .it also increases the prise of goods what's more it urges consumers to buy unnecessary commodities .


Morocco recently saw a migration of the population of cities and villages me especially in the last 50 years that happened Leone Morocco for independence . What are the reasons that drive housing villages to migrate to cities? And what are the causes of migrations out of the negative impact ?

- There is a range of reasons why the villagers to the cities Tahgerh me among them lack even the most basic means necessary hospitals and transportation means Finding work Mestekareaulthossein circumstances of living ... ect . The result eased the congestion entire towns and neighborhoods Baladi shanties and Tahera begging and the use of young children Resulting from the whole circumcision eased some tragic scenes

- Finally, I wish to state that changed everything in their power to stop the advance of the pious and out of control the situation


Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, good judgement and wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental goals the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization ). Education means 'to draw out', facilitating realisation of self-potential and latent talents of an individual. It is an application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics , neuroscience, sociology and anthropology .

The education of an individual human begins at birth and continues throughout life. (Some believe that education begins even before birth, as evidenced by some parents' playing music or reading to the baby in the womb in the hope it will influence the child's development.) For some, the struggles and triumphs of daily life provide far more instruction than does formal schooling (thus Albert Einstein's admonition to "never let school interfere with your education"). Family members may have a profound educational effect — often more profound than they realize — though family teaching may function very informally


Terrorism is a term used to describe violence or other harmful acts . Terrorism expert Walter Laqueur in 1999 has counted over 100 definitions and concludes that the "only general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence". Most definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear or "terror ", are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a "madman" attack), and deliberately target "non-combatants ".

As a form of unconventional warfare , terrorism is sometimes used when attempting to force political change by : convincing a government or population to agree to demands to avoid future harm or fear of harm, destabilization of an existing government, motivating a disgruntled population to join an uprising, escalating a conflict in the hopes of disrupting the status quo, expressing a grievance, or drawing attention to a cause .

The terms "terrorism" and "terrorist" (someone who engages in terrorism) carry a strong negative connotation. These terms are often used as political labels to condemn violence or threat of violence by certain actors as immoral, indiscriminate, or unjustified. Those labeled "terrorists" rarely identify themselves as such, and typically use other generic terms or terms specific to their situation, such as: separatist, freedom fighter, liberator , revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary, guerrilla, rebel, jihadi or mujaheddin, or fedayeen, or any similar-meaning word in other languages .

Terrorism has been used by a broad array of political organizations in furthering their objectives; both right-wing and left-wing political parties, nationalistic, and religious groups, revolutionaries and ruling governments.The presence of non-state actors in widespread armed conflict has created controversy regarding the application of the laws of war .

An International Roundtable on Constructing Peace, Deconstructing Terror (2004) hosted by Strategic Foresight Group recommended that a distinction should be made between terrorism and acts of terror. While acts of terror are criminal acts as per the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 and domestic jurisprudence of almost all countries in the world, terrorism refers to a phenomenon including acts, perpetrators of acts of terror and motives of the perpetrators. There is a disagreement on definition of terrorism. However, there is an intellectual consensus globally that acts of terror should not be accepted under any circumstances. This is reflected in all important conventions including the United Nations counter terrorism strategy, outcome of the Madrid Conference on terrorism and outcome of the Strategic Foresight Group and ALDE roundtables at the European Parliament

Leisure time

Recreation is very important for one health whoever we are we need leisure activities because they enable us our minds and bodies

If we go on working without a break we'll get bord and exchasted

Therfore we should spend our free time on the things we like doing much as listing to music and pratising sport in this way we'll have energy to rasume our studies and warking


air pollution can effect our health in many ways with a both short-term effects different groups of individuals are effected by air pollution in different ways . some individualsare much more sensitive to pollutants than are others. young children and elderly people after suffer môre from effects of air pollution.poeple with health problems such asthma .heart and lung disease may olso suffer more when the air is poolluted the extent to wich in individual is harmed by air pollution usualy depends on the total to the damaging chimicals i.e the duration of exposure and the concentration of the chimicals must be taken into account..this s the end of pragraph i wish to benefit it ok


Racism or racialism is a form of race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism may be expressed individually and consciously , through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously , through institutions that promote inequality between races .

In the 19th century many legitimized racist beliefs and practices through scientific theories about biological differences among races. Today, most scientists have rejected the biological basis of race or the validity of "race" as a scientific concept. Racism, then, becomes discrimination based on alleged race. Racists themselves usually do believe that humans are divided into different races .

There are two main definitions of racism today. One of them states that racism is dicrimination based on alleged race, the other - newer - one states that racism has started to include also discrimination based on religion or culture

women working

There have been a lot of chages in our social life in the last decades .many more women working ,of course ,has the lifestyle of many families

Many people are worried whether a carrer women can properly care for the children the advantage of women working

women and men are equal and should also have the right have a job

women should hlep in the devlopment of theircountry

carrer mot her are usually educated and so can help their family

the disadvantage of carrer women : women find ut difficult to take very good care of children while working out side they usually nturn home tired often a day 's work outside the also have to deal with the house work the are left with litter time to care for their childern .

thes affect a lot the whole family ,and may cause problems for children at schol ....e bc .

. finally i say that at taking good care children of women /mothers alonne

man/father should also share this responsibility with their wives

life is getting very expensive and women to help their family

A drought

A drought is a prolonged, abnormally dry period when there is not enough water for users' normal needs. Drought is not simply low rainfall; if it was, much of inland Australia would be in almost perpetual drought. Because people use water in so many different ways, there is no universal definition of drought .

Meteorologists monitor the extent and severity of drought in terms of rainfall deficiencies. Agriculturalists rate the impact on primary industries, hydrologists compare ground water levels, and sociologists define it on social expectations and perceptions


. What i do in my free time ? Well, i like to exercise and sports , especially Karate. Just the same, i like to watch a football match or a good film sometimes .

Music- now that`s somethingi like as much as sport. I very often listen to music on the radio.but what i lke best is reading books on biology,chemistry and physics. These are my favourite subjects at school.what about friends? Ilike to be with them on Saturday


Racism or racialism is a form of race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism may be expressed individually and consciously , through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously , through institutions that promote inequality between races ..

In the 19th century many legitimized racist beliefs and practices through scientific theories about biological differences among races. Today, most scientists have rejected the biological basis of race or the validity of "race" as a scientific concept. Racism, then, becomes discrimination based on alleged race. Racists themselves usually do believe that humans are divided into different races .

There are two main definitions of racism today. One of them states that racism is dicrimination based on alleged race, the other - newer - one states that racism has started to include also discrimination based on religion or culture

- women

Millions of women throughout the world live in conditions of abject deprivation of, and attacks against, their fundamental human rights for no other reason than that they are women .

Combatants and their sympathizers in conflicts, such as those in Sierra Leone, Kosovo, the Democratic Republic of Congo , Afghanistan, and Rwanda, have raped women as a weapon of war with near complete impunity. Men in Pakistan, South Africa, Peru, Russia, and Uzbekistan beat women in the home at astounding rates, while these governments alternatively refuse to intervene to protect women and punish their batterers or do so haphazardly and in ways that make women feel culpable for the violence. As a direct result of inequalities found in their countries of origin, women from Ukraine, Moldova, Nigeria, the Dominican Republic, Burma, and Thailand are bought and sold, trafficked to work in forced prostitution, with insufficient government attention to protect their rights and punish the traffickers. In Guatemala , South Africa, and Mexico, women's ability to enter and remain in the work force is obstructed by private employers who use women's reproductive status to exclude them from work and by discriminatory employment laws or discriminatory enforcement of the law. In the U.S., students discriminate against and attack girls in school who are lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgendered , or do not conform to male standards of female behavior. Women in Morocco , Jordan, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia face government-sponsored discrimination that renders them unequal before the law - including discriminatory family codes that take away women's legal authority and place it in the hands of male family members - and restricts women's participation in public life


The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks , which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail , online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other documents of the world wide web .

The USSR's launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as ARPA, in February 1958 to regain a technological lead.[1][2] ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide together for the first time.

Science, and technology

The distinction between science, and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety.

Technology is often a consequence of science and engineering — although technology as a human activity precedes the two fields. For example, science might study the flow of electrons in electrical conductors, by using already-existing tools and knowledge. This new-found knowledge may then be used by engineers to create new tools and machines, such as semiconductors, computers, and other forms of advanced technology. In this sense, scientists and engineers may both be considered technologists; the three fields are often considered as one for the purposes of research and reference International organization

InternationalOrganization is a leading peer-reviewed journal that covers the entire field ofinternational affairs. Subject areas include: foreign policies, internationalrelations, international and comparative political economy, security policies, environmental disputes and resolutions, European integration, alliance patternsand war, bargaining and conflict resolution, economic development andadjustment, and international capital movements. Published on behalf of theInternational Organization Foundation

Drop out of school

Increasing stress in school, at work, and at home has caused many students to drop out of school to escape their problems. With this increasing amount of stress and work, some students have become very frustrated and depressed. Students then drop out of school and take the easy way out to eliminate some of that stress

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. The term was used by the Brandt and Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social

International organization

InternationalOrganization is a leading peer-reviewed journal that covers the entire field ofinternational affairs. Subject areas include: foreign policies, internationalrelations, international and comparative political economy, security policies, environmental disputes and resolutions, European integration, alliance patternsand war, bargaining and conflict resolution, economic development andadjustment, and international capital movements. Published on behalf of theInternational Organization Foundation

وصف شخص

Mr Mustapha is a thin man, strong as his bark, slow, lucid one of the men who seem made to be always in touch with their favorite world: the sea

He has a big nose, big forehead, big eyes that can detect the deepest secrets of the sea

It offers, at first sight a vague resemblance Cousteau discovered the hidden signs of a world completely different from ours.

His teeth are black and few, his mouth is so wrinkled that it delivers a blend of vocabulary relating to maritime affairs.

This is a great man and a true professional fisherman.

Self-confidence and resignation fish hook tormented by a rare compassion, harmony of body and soul, good heart, all his qualities made him a respectful person

حوادث السير نتائجها واسبابها

The results of traffic accidents and their causes

Cause of traffic accidents on public roads, loss of significant human and material drain on human and material resources and take the lives of thousands of people annually from all ages, and which have negative psychological and social families of the victims. Hardly a day goes by without hearing about a traffic accident here and another there and the fall of the innocent victims, so that whole families are the victims of traffic accidents unfortunate sometimes. Causes of traffic accidents are many and varied from lack of preparation of the car and the varying technical expertise and knowledge of drivers to drive a car and ignorance of the law of speeding traffic and poor roads and other causes that lead to the occurrence of mishaps
Cultural values

Groups, societies, or cultures have values that are largely shared by their members. The values identify those objects, conditions or characteristics that members of the society consider important; that is, valuable. In the United States, for example, values might include material comfort, wealth, competition, individualism or religiosity. The values of a society can often be identified by noting which people receive honor or respect. In the US, for example, professional athletes are more highly honored than college professors, in part because the society values physical activity and competitiveness more than mental activity and education. Surveys show that voters in the United States would be reluctant to elect an atheist as a president, suggesting that belief in God is a value.

Values are related to the norms of a culture, but they are more general and abstract than norms. Norms are rules for behavior in specific situations, while values identify what should be judged as good or bad. Flying the national flag on a holiday is a norm, but it reflects the value of patriotism. Wearing dark clothing and appearing solemn are normative behaviors at a funeral. They reflect the values of respect and support of friends and family.

Members take part in a culture even if each member's personal values do not entirely agree with some of the normative values sanctioned in the culture. This reflects an individual's ability to synthesize and extract aspects valuable to them from the multiple subcultures they belong to.

If a group member expresses a value that is in serious conflict with the group's norms, the group's authority may carry out various ways of encouraging conformity or stigmatizing the non-conforming behavior of its members. For example, imprisonment can result from conflict with social norms that have been established as law.


I think that the best things to relief from stress is to watch some sitcoms or hear something funny like jokes ...person should develop his sense of humor and he should be cool , Comic and optimistic, because some expert of mental. health have noted that we can't imagine going through a day without laughter.

Humor will make every part of your life better.

It will help you trough difficult times and it will help you make the good times even letter, also i twill attract good people and good situations to you. So cheer up .

drop out of school

Increasing stress in school, at work, and at home has caused many students to drop out of school to escape their problems.

With this increasing amount of stress and work, some students have become very frustrated and depressed. Students then drop out of school and take the easy way out to eliminate some of that stress.

Students who are most likely to drop out of school are those who do not have a great interest in school, or students that have many adult responsibilities placed upon them. These problems can force some students into the work force. They do this both to provide money for themselves and to fill the gap that was once school.

Students in high school do not have to deal with these problems alone. There are guidance counsellors to talk to, as well as close friends and teachers to prevent certain students from.

Financial crisis

The financial repercussions of the crisis resulting from the mortgage crisis, which surfaced in 2007 because of the failure of millions of borrowers to buy houses and real estate in the United States to pay their debts to banks.

This led to a crisis for the American economy, reaching consequences to the economies of Europe and Asia in the process of throwing out a large number of major banks and international financial institutions Failed by the hundreds of billions of dollars pumped into global financial markets to put an end to the crisis in mortgages, which has been brewing beneath the surface, even evolved into a global financial crisis, has made no secret of many officials fear that the global economic systems DASHES up and its implications to many parts of the world

What is the swine flu

Disease, swine flu and severe acute respiratory disease, infects pigs and is caused by one or more of the swine flu virus typeA. This is a disease, usually of high morbidity rates and low mortality rates (1% -4%). And spreading the virus between pigs through the mist and direct contact, indirect and pigs turned out to be non-disease symptoms. And records of outbreaks of the disease in pigs throughout the year, with a high incidence in the autumn and winter seasons in temperate regions. And many countries tend tovaccinate pigs against the swarms of the disease is routinely

Working children

Child labour is one of the problems that many countries face, there are various causes that drive children to work some of them drop out of school in order to help their poor or sick parents others have to work because they are orphans. In addiction some parents are ignorant they think education is a waste of time.

Working children face a tough life; in factories and mines they work in bad conditions no fresh air, long hours they may be injured by machines they are also deprived of education and childhood

Air pollution

air pollution can effect our health in many ways with a both short-term effects different groups of individuals are effected by air pollution in different ways .some individuals are much more sensitive to pollutants than are others. young children and elderly people after suffer more from effects of air pollution people with health problems such asthma .heart and lung disease may also suffer more when the air is polluted the extent to witch in individual is harmed by air pollution usually depends on the total to the damaging chemicals. The duration of exposure and the concentration of the chemicals must be taken into account. This s the end of paragraph I wish to benefit it ok

Cultural values

Groups, societies, or cultures have values that are largely shared by their members. The values identify those objects, conditions or characteristics that members of the society consider important; that is, valuable. In the United States, for example, values might include material comfort, wealth, competition, individualism or religiosity. The values of a society can often be identified by noting which people receive honour or respect. In the US, for example, professional athletes are more highly honoured than college professors, in part because the society values physical activity and competitiveness more than mental activity and education
Young people

[Old people are more annoying by far. They are so quick to degrade and stereotype younger people even though every group has had their criminals and bad apples. They are rude and think they can say or do anything to anyone without the other person having any recourse. I have been victimized numerous times by older people and all old people can do is keep degrading us. So I chose Young people because that has a no one can touch me attitude, demo and think they know everything

Science and technologies

The distinction between science and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety. Technology is often a consequence of science and engineering — although technology as a human activity precedes the two fields. For example, science might study the flow of electrons in electrical conductors, by using already-existing tools and knowledge. This new-found knowledge may then be used by engineers to create new tools and machines, such as semiconductors, computers, and other forms of advanced technology. In this sense, scientists and engineers may both be considered technologists; the three fields are often considered as one for the purposes of research and reference .

Human rights

The concept of human rights has existed under several names in European thought for many centuries, at least since the time of King John of England. After the king violated a number of ancient laws and customs by which England had been governed, his subjects forced him to sign the Magna Cart, or Great Charter, which enumerates a number of what later came to be thought of as human rights

Right of women

Nowadays we take it for granted that women have the same rights as men before the First World War few people believed this. As far as work was concerned there were jobs wish were regarded as women's jobs and other which were regarded as men's jobs. Women's jobs were generally lower paid as men's. Men did almost all the heavy jobs in industry or in transport. Women had jobs like dress-making, cleaning or worked as servants. Women's main role was as being to raise children and look for their home. Women were not expected to take position of leaders chip

اسال الله لكم بالنجاح و التوفيق

بحر العلوم و المتعه المفيده



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